On Feasibility and Viability of Renewable Energy
I start this writing with a pictorial metaphor that is the theme for this essay– picture 1 is a simple home with some solar panels and picture 2 is something like a Sua Pan covered by solar panel – which way Botswana?
We sure live
in interesting times – energy experts and researchers, even some academics have
often demonstrated very split minds and results on the feasibility of future renewable energy. Especially so regarding the
very crux of the matter – the EROEI (Energy Return On Energy Invested) and the
EPBT (Energy Pay Back Time) to the confusion of worried people and the pleasure
of the so called “deniers”. Of course, this is bickering in an ebony tower,
mostly, and it’s like the passengers of Titanic trying to choose a life boat
with the best warranty.
However, the
so called “greens” have grown strong lately. Their objections to “no-worry-deniers”
(often in media and various authorities) and still wide spread ignorance among
ordinary salary people (to make a difference to unemployed wage people), and a
resilient concentration on avoiding a possible end of life on Earth, is
maturing, as far as I can see. It must be the “climate change” effects that
even a blind can see (as my grandfather use to say) . And population migration,
xenophobia, no money to buy the products of an industrialism running without harness
– remember old Henry Ford (my worker must
be paid enough to buy a car)? Hurricanes, no electricity for days,
beautiful beach houses flooded and polluted air/water. Just to mention a few
modern drawbacks!
So, of course
the number of worried people increases – and they are often basing their
opinion on their intuition. As well
as many “experts” must do – and that’s a crux that makes people turn to their
inside instead of listen to facts and turn to metaphysics of the time (the
space, more praying and so on). Are we mentally lost in a globalized world? But
many have mobilized – we even have a TCM (The Climate Mobilization). Many
people are now acting and this is encouraging to me!
We are today forced to make use intuition and
guesstimates. Nothing can be fully “EROEI’d” prior to action! And action is
needed urgently and should have come latest in the 1960’s to be fully in use
today. Is it better late than never? We don’t fully know but we know that we can
hardly pay for it today. Some brains
are telling us, that we now have a last chance albeit it will cost more than we
have in our pockets.
My question
is – can we take it step by step or must we mimic US and the G20 here in
Africa? Let’s start and see what the chances are for the already industrialized
world, maybe “postindustrial” is a better word. We have to study a number of
late texts, books and blogs by writers like McKinnon, Heinberg, Greer, Sarkar
and others to find an answer on the feasibility
to start, and we will find that the feasibility is there but what about long
time viability?
In other
columns, I have given Richard Heinberg and David Finlay of the Post Carbon
Institute ample attention on the feasibility
of renewable energy and discussed their eye opening book “Our Renewable Future”
but management and viability are in the concept, too – more on this later! In
fact, most writers from G20 are dealing with their country-centric problems.
But we must realize - their problems
are not exactly ours!
Let us
quickly look into their problems – of
which 100% renewal energy is the main one to keep them going as currently (e.g.
including the industries, world military rule, petro-dollar and subsequent
money-printing, media imperialism, lifestyles a s o). In short, they realize
that money must be spent to keep a modern colonialism alive. It is therefore
absolutely natural that they are not making the financing a great problem – invincibility rules and must continue! I’m
sorry to say this – but it’s the truth for African countries and many others!
We cannot put
much hope to a writer like Bill McKinnon (from the 350.org fame) when he’s writing
a book about “A World at War”, underpinning that the West is at war regarding
the resources (well, we know that!). He can go on writing the Democratic
Platforms for coming years (he wrote the one for this year). But even an
excellent writer like Richard Heinberg from the famous Post Carbon Institute is
unfortunately basing “Our Renewable Future” findings on the same – but it doesn’t work completely for him, as
we will see later.
Today there
seems to be an understanding that US can go on as it does today at a cost (and
we here know where the payment comes from). This is irritating when discussing
our global human survival, as I see it. South America, Africa and Asia must
discuss it from another angle! The G20 people is a minority and we are the big
majority and instead of proposing more
technology, we probably have to pinpoint what less technology can do – and this needs more “footwork” by
distressed peoples.
I now have to
confess that I’m heavily basing my conclusions on an Indian professor, Sakal Sarkar.
He finds the “war” metaphor very inappropriate and tries to discuss the future
where “G120” have something of a consensus (or ought to have). His points are:
“feasibility concept” might be very unfortunate. Even blinded by muscle and
optimism, the 100% renewable basis is doubtable – the hope for more expensive
technology is, maybe, feasible but
not viable. But he agrees with
McKinnon that we “need to build a hell
lot of factories to turn out the thousands of acres of solar panels and wind
turbines at the length of football fields and millions and millions of electric
cars and buses”. Sakar is also referring to David Roberts that puts it as
follows, very vividly:
“Well, have a look at Solar City’s
gigafactory, … It will be the biggest solar manufacturing facility … covering
27 acres, capable of cranking out 10.000 solar panels a day – a gigawatt’s
worth in a year. At the height of its transition to WWS (wind, water, solar),
the US would have to build around 30 gigafactories a year devoted to solar
panels, and another 15 a year for wind turbines. That’s 45 of the biggest
factories ever built, every year. It is [even for an American] a mind boggling
pace of building…”
My comment –
maybe that’s the business idea? There’s already about 50 wind turbine factories
in the US but most solar panels are Chinese – pocket the Chinese ones and the
US corporations are forever in business and able to print “sun-and-wind dollars”!
How we here
in Africa should handle 100 m high aluminum turbines standing on several
thousand tons bases and many hundreds of hectares of solar panels will be a
subsequent dilemma for us. The little water we have is already earmarked – we
here in Botswana have salt, perfect for concentrated solar plants but not the
needed water!
However, the
viability problem will sort this out in the G20, I’m sure. Already it’s clear
that a wind turbine has only a 20 year lifespan and in Germany a 1000 of their
ab. 25,000 turbines must be exchanged every year and Germany has so far just been
able to replace coal and nuclear electricity (some days). That’s only a ¼ of
the energy cake – there is something like a ½ cake made by fossil fuel left to
replace. Another thing is – the climate change results in so much bad winds
that old statistics never indicated. What hurricanes do to renewable can be
seen from photos on the net! Imagine – climate change is met by renewables but is
often winning round 2 (the viability round). I think we seriously have to look
into “appropriate technologies” including energy savings here in Africa!
But Prof. Sarkar
is giving Mc Kinnon right regarding “we
are building a huge amount of shit” from the renewable drive. Quoting him
we read:
“Remember that all machines and all
products wear out and have a limited lifespan. The same holds for solar panels,
wind turbines and machines with which we make them. They have to be replaced,
sooner or later, even factory buildings. Remember also that inorganic
nonrenewable materials cannot be fully recycled, because the entropy law also
applies to materials. As many in the ecology movement have been saying for
quite a few years now, if it should go on like this, we humans would soon need
at least two more planets – one as our resource base and the other as our waste
dumping site”.
Myself, I suddenly remember – not many years ago
some EU countries wanted to dump their waste here in Africa, and worst thing -
there were many country leaders interested in the proposed deals with the ones
that robbed us of our resources and then wanted to dump “shit” here! Conclusive
colonialism? Another Sarkar quotation:
“…the true production process in the
industrial age … is not a cyclical
but a continuous linear process, that
begins with resource extraction and ends with dumping waste in landfills or in
the atmosphere or in the waters, while midway (if we are lucky) giving us
consumers some satisfaction and fulfilling some of our material and immaterial
basic and non-basic needs.”
This install
started with some words about EROEI and Prof. Sarkar’s writings on this issue
are also highly interesting and giving me new doubts about the feasibility and
viability of a hefty and costly 100% hurried renewable future here in Africa.
We are not
curing our increasing obesity, now - we have to start dieting, saving and get
the right dress by time! Let us see what Prof. Sarkar says about EROEI and Net
Energy (abridged by me):
When we
change to so called renewable energy and can pay for initial transitional
costs, we must remember that (if we are able to implement just some few small
steps) that the concept is neither free from CO2 emission, nor generally
pollutions-free, nor sustainable – for instance: clean energies and engines
today are just a little cleaner and
still have emissions. And it must be understood that all kind of energy,
produced of any kind of machines, for many years are produced by a decreasing amount of fossil fuels and
emitting scaring amounts of pollution!
interesting that Richard Heinberg, the co-author of “Our Renewable Future”
lately (Sept 2012) has responded to comments on the book as follows:
“We concluded
that, while in theory it may be possible to build enough solar
and wind supply capacity to substitute for current
fossil energy sources, much of
current energy usage infrastructure (for transportation, agriculture, and
industrial processes) will be difficult
and expensive to adapt to using renewable electricity. In the face of these
and other related challenges, we suggest that it likely won’t be possible to maintain a consumption-oriented growth
economy in the post-fossil future, and that we would all be better off
aiming to transition to a simpler and
more localized conserver economy.”
From all
studies so far it is clear that it is assumed
that solar and wind energy yield an sufficient amount of net energy – and
probably done to attract investments in a world where a few owns much more than
governments and nations. (Note that investments are going down significantly
now when oil is very cheap!)
difference between feasibility and viability is crucial! This is an
interesting fact that we must keep in mind, prior to take loans from IMF/WB or
even AfDB for becoming “green”. The private investors know this and are already
withdrawing from the ring or field. The crux of this matter is the financing – by our neo-liberal, global
investors profit makers or a more balanced concept of public welfare?
Before I discuss
my idea of how to handle the matter here in Africa, I cannot but knock down
another fine contribution to the dilemma by another professor. His name is Ugo
Bardi and a distinguished member of the Club of Rome:
“I still want to know if the following
can be done and does the EROEI include it all plus the extra energy demand I
haven’t thought of):
Mine the raw materials using equipment
powered by solar panels.
Transport and convert metal ores, eg.
bauxite-aluminum, using equipment run by solar panels and in a factory built
using the energy from solar panels.
Make the finished panels in a factory
run by solar panels, including building and maintaining the factory.
Transport, install and maintain the
solar panels using equipment running on solar panels.
All this is presently being done
(mainly) with the energy from fossil fuels. How will it be done when they are
I have a
proposed conclusion how to do it a non-US-centric way here below (a quotation
from my own writings, for once):
Proposed feasible and viable first
steps to a renewable future for a not very industrialized country:
Step One - let’s create a program for improving
and saving electricity by lessen the power used for individual houses and install
solar panels everywhere including community service buildings. With GoB
support, BPC can make it a “purchase loan scheme” like the ones they (and the
Housing Corporation) already have. As the BPC power is already there in most
cases and for the time needed to overcome the intermittent problem, it seems to
me very simple: some panels, transformer/converter and a battery installment is
all that’s needed as long as there is the BPC backup. Consequently, it is an energy
saving concept rather than a complete renewable future solution and a step
towards a more decentralized provision than the “G20” advice we read about.
Interestingly, savings of domestic and institutional consumption
might make BPC able to do necessary improvements on their delivery network to
make possible inclusion of larger scaled wind and solar production units (and include
the 20% of settlements still not connected). It is often stated that existing,
conventional production and delivery system cannot take more than 5% of
“outside” intermittent energy without expensive and time consuming upgrade of
existing facilities. But a hurdle already overcome in many of the G20 countries
– reports are available on the net and too many study trips can be avoided, for
Step Two could be to start medium scale solar
and wind plants, scaled for small villages and urban neighborhood units – 2-5
ha unused fields or natural impediments. This is often a concept used in the
Nordic countries I’ve seen, and the scale is acceptable environmentally due to the
minimal impact. In short, this kind of planning- wise approved initial steps
might improve savings and also result in an improved employment situation and,
thus, recommended by this writer, and not a conclusion in the books we have
been penetrating. Many large consumers like urban industries seldom have their
roofs plastered with solar panels (to my astonishment not even for hot water)
as well as most greenhouses for vegetable production that also need lots of
power but are seldom using solar panels. Here are more savings possible that
might result in fewer large scale plants (that often have negative
environmental impact).
Food for Thoughts !?
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